Framing & Presentation
The images below reference general framing/presentation styles particular to each artist’s work, and do not represent specific artworks. Please contact the gallery for more information on how individual works are presented.
Oil/Acrylic on Canvas, Unframed

Artists: Alexander, Armstrong, Bakes, Bonifacho, D. Cole, Creed, Evrard, Fullerton, Gausden, Katsuras, Kernan, Lochhead, Louie, Lynch, McGlynn, Macnaughton, Nguyen, Plaskett, Shi Le, Scheurmann, Tait, Wiens, Wood
Mixed Media on Panel

Artist: Cadotte, Evrard, Petterson, Nederveen, Watson
Mixed Media on Panel

Artist: Watson, Nederveen
Acrylic on Panel with Resin

Artist: O'Hara
Polymer Resin Panel

Artist: Burrows
White Frame

Artist: Barer, Shepherd, Mak, Barnes, Korfmann, Wilcox, Greenberg, Leventi, Milstein, Nix, Redpath, Tait, Byrne, B. Cole, Keever, Klimas, Kubis
Black Frame

Artist: Barer, Wolf, Shepherd, Greenberg, Mackenzie
Floating White Frame

Artist: Smith, Redpath, Cameron, Mak, Katsuras
Floating Black Frame

Artist: Smith
Floating Brown Frame

Artist: Alexander, Marchessault
Face-Mounted to Plexiglass, Back-Mounted to Hidden Aluminum Channel

Artist: B. Cole
Face-Mounted to Plexiglass, Back-Mounted to Aluminum Subframe

Artist: Jensen-Nagle
Face-Mounted to Plexiglass, Back-Mounted to Black Aluminum Subframe

Artist: Jensen-Nagle