Vicki Smith | Flora and Fauna | Advance Preview
This preview has now closed. All paintings are now available for viewing on the public Vicki Smith page. Please click here to see all available works in this collection.
Bau-Xi Gallery | Dufferin is thrilled to present Flora and Fauna, the highly anticipated solo exhibition by Toronto-based painter, Vicki Smith.
Artist Statement:
"Flora and Fauna is a series of paintings about the female form and the temporal interplay of light and energy within reflections of the natural environment.
As a sequel to my previous work, this collection elaborates on and extends the experience of peace by pairing swimmers with images of quiet reflected landscapes. Throughout this body of work, the swimmers gently break the surface of the water, scattering the reflections which in turn distort and dissolve the body. Boundaries merge and mingle in a momentary exchange. Much like the practice of meditation, the swimmers revel in an experience that circumvents conscious thought and the complimentary images of reflective landscape nudge us back to a place of stillness and quiet focus. As always, my paintings are in pursuit of a calm and peaceful space."
All artworks are now available for acquisition. To secure a piece, please contact us at 416-977-0600 or
Vicki Smith | Flora and Fauna
May 9-30, 2024
Bau-Xi Gallery | Dufferin, Upper Floor Gallery
1384 Dufferin Street, Toronto
Opening Reception: Saturday, May 11, 3-5 PM | ARTIST IN ATTENDANCE

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