Tom Burrows | Lunar Cycles | From The Curve of Time Series | Advance Preview
Internationally recognized artist Tom Burrows utilizes cast pigment polymer resin as his primary medium. His current practice focuses on colour fields, which play with opacity and surface texture to give the illusion of a panel lit from within. In this new chapter of work entitled Lunar Cycles, Tom pays homage to the lunar-cycle-driven tidal waters that are integral to his series The Curve of Time, and how the first encounter with that tidal power shaped his approach to art.
This preview has now closed. All paintings are now available for viewing on the public Tom Burrows page. Please click here to see all available works in this collection.
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Solo exhibition dates: April 1-12, 2023 l Upper Gallery
Bau-Xi Gallery Vancouver
3045 Granville Street
Meet the artist | Opening Reception Saturday April 1, 2-4pm

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