Artist Interview: Kim Keever


When smoke and clear plastic failed to create the atmosphere he was looking for in his tabletop landscapes, Kim Keever returned to an idea he had been musing over for two years: painted water. Keever’s eureka moment came when a friend was throwing out a 100 gallon aquarium. "I actually thought about trying my technique for two years before going for it, but once I did, I thought ‘Oh my God, it looks great!"

In describing this process, the artist states: “I love the randomness of it. That’s what is most pleasurable; it’s always a wonderful surprise. I choose the colors, but they go their own ways so I never know what the final picture is going to look like or what shapes will come out. The tank, filled with water, almost becomes a painting machine. I pour the ingredients in and snap away. It’s simple, but it requires a lot of work.”


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