Sylvia Tait | Paintings Without Words Advance Preview
Structure, form, colour, a feeling for the surface and sensuality of paint, and the relationships between all these elements form the focus of this new series by celebrated Vancouver-based abstract artist Sylvia Tait. Tait is widely known for her dynamic colour block compositions and energetic palette.
Since the late 1950s, Tait has exhibited across North America in solo and group shows, and has been represented by Bau-Xi Gallery since 1977. Her paintings are in private, corporate and public collections in Germany, Switzerland, France, the USA, Mexico, Ecuador, UAE, Hong Kong, Japan, South Asia and Canada.
This preview has now closed. All paintings are now available for viewing on the public Sylvia Tait page. Please click here to see all available works in this collection.
To secure a piece, please contact us at 604-733-7011 or
Solo exhibition dates: March 4-16, 2023
Bau-Xi Gallery Vancouver
3045 Granville Street
Meet the artist | Opening Reception Saturday March 4, 2-4pm
*Listed prices do not include applicable taxes or shipping.

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