Size: 15 X 10 in.
Oil on Canvas

Current location: Toronto

Please contact the gallery for more information on this work.

"My paintings explore and represent the feelings experienced within liminal spaces. Viewing my own experiences in the threshold between the comfort of familiarity and the disquiet of ambiguity, I depict transitional periods marked by disorientation, doubt, and loss of identity. They are a passage through the threshold into the unknown: a journey forward and backward, between day and night, and dark and light. An important element about my work is the placement of the viewer in relation to the scene before them. I use intimate and domestic imagery to create an intersection of history, memory, and place. Within these images that I find from my personal photo archive, I discover suggestions of longing for stability alongside estrangement from familiarity. Each painting offers a glimpse into an undefined time and place for contemplation. My work forms an entrance and exit to these liminal spaces for viewers to create their own narrative and reflect on their thoughts about in-betweenness."


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