Size: 20 X 30 in.
Acrylic on Canvas

Current location: Toronto

Please contact the gallery for more information on this work.

"Growing up, I was isolated. This isolation and otherness consumed my formative years as a queer, addict with mental health issues. I only began to heal and become a functioning member of various communities, through connecting with others. Historically figurative painting has been used to fetishize differences, implement the gaze, and allow voyeurism. This is also true when looking at queer community, sexual intimacy is often the focus and platonic intimacy is overlooked. This work does the opposite, Community surrounds the viewer, and the audience becomes a part of this moment of joy and connection. I have created a half-panorama rotunda of moments from my life —using the scale to invite and defamiliarize these small moments to highlight their importance, and the loose canvas as a blanket to hold the viewer. 

Community is an action of gratitude for the communities I am a part of. The identities I used to believe kept me separate are what fostered all these communities that kept me alive within moments of struggle. Spreading the joy and positivity I receive from my community to inspire others to cherish the intimacy they get from their own chosen families. While we embrace the healing that is human connection, we can break down the barriers that hold us apart."

Instagram: @shannonsandwell

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