With Limp Arms I Can Feel Most of You | Connor Rothe

Size: 36 X 42 in.
Acrylic on Canvas

Current location: Toronto

Please contact the gallery for more information on this work.

"My current body of work explores dissociation as the loss of self/reality, as a state of complete mental detachment. Mirroring sentiments of loss, loneliness, disembodiment, and groundlessness, dissociation is more than a detached lens. It envelopes one’s sense of reality in a gauzy maelstrom. Displacing identity and conceptions of the real, the dissociator is left as something less than alone. They’re left feeling as though their skin is no longer theirs, that their memories are some obscured dream, that the ground they’re standing on was never more than imagined. 

Presenting external landscapes as sites of internal detachment, my paintings attempt to mimic the dissociator’s reality. Moments of realization/recollection flicker in and out of focus in lapses of light, memory, deja vu, dreams, and the digital. Entirely painted in acrylic with an airbrush, there is no physical connection between me and the canvas/ground. The lack of physicality, both in the process and effect of airbrushing, relates to the work’s disconnect."

Instagram: @connor.rothe

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