Size: 48 X 48 in.
Mixed Media on Raw Canvas

Current location: Toronto

Please contact the gallery for more information on this work.

"My current artistic focus lies in navigating the multifaceted struggles faced by contemporary women while embracing a serene female perspective through my artwork. Through a blend of abstraction and representation across various mediums, I seek to explore the delicate balance between softness and hardness, appearance and disappearance, hiddenness and revelation, thus sparking broader dialogues on female resilience, strength, and diversity.

My artistic creations are deeply rooted in my personal experiences, enriching them with authenticity and depth. As a young Asian woman, my art is shaped by the intersection of my cultural background and individual journey, offering a unique perspective. This approach allows me to explore the duality of human experience through another lens and prompts viewers to consider the delicate interplay of conflicting elements within themselves and society as a whole."

Instagram: @okchiko

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