Andre Petterson | Halcyon | Advance Preview
Andre Petterson turns his lens onto floral motifs for his latest solo exhibition, Halcyon. This series contrasts riotous, layered superblooms of flowers with the calm and focused refinement of singular blooms in architectural settings. Adding a further sense of calm, the collection includes several coastal landscapes with long pieces of driftwood to emphasize the linearity of the horizon meeting the water’s edge.
In Halcyon, Petterson embraces chance occurrence, letting paint organically land in unexpected places on the panel and intermingle with the photographed floral elements. The effect both disrupts and harmonizes with these elements, giving Petterson’s signature mixed media style a new sense of looseness as he creates varied and novel ways to experience florals.
This preview has now closed. All paintings are now available for viewing on the public Andre Petterson page. Please click here to see all available works in this collection.
To secure a piece, please contact us at 604-733-7011 or
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Solo exhibition dates: April 20-May 4, 2024
Bau-Xi Gallery Vancouver
3045 Granville Street
Meet the artist | Opening Reception Saturday April 20, 2-4pm

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