Ted Fullerton installs sculpture commission in St. Albert, Alberta


Ted Fullerton has just returned from St. Albert, Alberta, after installing a commissioned sculpture in St. Albert Place. The sculpture is installed in the main lobby entrance to the building designed by well-known Canadian architect, Douglas Cardinal. The 9 foot tall sculpture is called ‘Becoming’, and is symbolic of a monumental cocoon/chrysalis at a point of a butterfly's emergence from a state of metamorphosis.


Concept Statement from the Artist:

The sculpture is symbolic of a monumental cocoon/chrysalis at a point of a butterfly's emergence from a state of metamorphosis. It is that magical moment of realization where transition/emergence is realized. This sculpture represents a butterfly's chrysalis which acts as an iconic metaphor for being and becoming that is understood globally for possibilities, growth and transformation. The shape of the cocoon/chrysalis is an archetype where its associative relationship to a place of sanctuary is "understood".


Ted Fullerton ‘Becoming’, 2.74m x .81m x 1.04m, 2017

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