Virginia Mak | Countenance

Virginia MakCountenance
June 18-30, 2022 
Opening Saturday, June 18th, 1-3PM | Artist in Attendance

350 Dundas Street West, Toronto

Bau-Xi Gallery is thrilled to present Countenance, a solo show by Toronto based photographer Virginia Mak. The photographer’s soft focus and light values have become characterizing elements of her unique visual language. Mak conducts a creative exploration process about the every-day, the inner world that individuals carry with themselves, and dreams.

The compositions that Virginia Mak presents project harmony and tension, oscillating between the real and the illusion; the dreamy and the objective elements of ourselves. Her latest work focuses on the human face as a symbol of identity. This series of work is continuously obscured through a blur that merges analog photography with pictorial elements creating nostalgic atmospheres.

Born in Hong Kong, Mak received her Philosophy Degree from the University of Calgary and her BFA in Photography from the Ontario College of Art. Her work has been written about in prominent national publications and featured in magazines such as Prefix and PhotoLife.


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